Jumat, 02 September 2011


Coattails Marketing
I came acros an artical on Barrister Information  Sytem corp .as Iwas thinking a bout a small computer company I had taken on as client.And  just in timea as matter fact .They needed to raise substantial capital and pit together  a nationwide dealer network to introduce an innovationin memory system for specific vertical market- amarket that did not buy most of its hardware  from computer retailers.none of their past experience was realy of any use .and the plan  did not look very appealing to investor ,until we joined forces with the leading prducer of software for the vertical market.Theirname recognition with the customer and net work of specialist dealer,ther sales  leads,theriendorsement,in fact,everyting department.was jus twhat was needed.But hoe to stucture a deal and gain acces to thesecritcal resources? The strtegy changed after lerning  about Barrister"s experience.
foutunately,Barrister's ande number of other companies have already given a lot of thought to the question of how to structure deal like this.Barrister, which produced it own hardware and software for lawyer'office since 1972,faced a severe challenge for the first time   when the IBM  introduce it pc  in 1982. law office liked Barrister's products,but wanted to be IBM  compatible..Barristers  fought IBM  for a while but now is an"auotorized IBM  business  partner IBM  sales people handle Barrister's   software and Barrister sells
IBM system aswell astheir own.The relationship is noneexclusive and  some what informal. one fo the best  pieces of advice the artical  is not pursue a joint venture in cases


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